Smart B2B seller choice
Get more time for your customers with daily tasks automation.
We have a long-term strategy to support or customers system 10+ years.
Your sale managers with be more profitable
Performance and flexibility reduce costs, increase competition.
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380 000+
orders during 2021
with DATALOGIC commerce
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What is DATALOGIC commerce?
DATALOGIC commerce – B2B sales automation platform for wholesalers and manufacturers. This system helps sale manager to be more effective and provides fluent communication channel with Your clients.
With this specialized platform, automated B2B ordering gives a business a competitive edge and brings the quality of its customer service to the next level. The saved time can be used by the sales team to develop relationships with existing customers and search for a new partnerships.
DATALOGIC commerce can be adapted to the individual processes of each business and provides an opportunity to integrate them with accounting or business management systems.
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